About Martin
My name is Martin Fomasi. I completed a bachelor’s in History and Human Geography in 2018 and today I am interested in the development of innovative products that can create social and economic benefits. During my Bachelor’s, I started to take a strong interest in the impact that digital technologies can have on society, and I deepened my knowledge on this topic. In my bachelor’s work in Geography, I had the opportunity to study the history of the smartphone application “Urgences Lausanne“, highlighting how its development has been the result of compromises and negotiations that have created a collaboration between the public and private sectors. In my bachelor’s work in History, I was able to retrace the difficulties and operations that were necessary to establish the e-government of the Swiss Confederation.

Innovation and society
The new Master in “Innovation and Society” developed by UNINE allowed me, on the one hand, to deepen my interests in Science and Technology Studies (STS); on the other hand, to acquire good skills in management and intellectual property of different types of innovation. During these two years, I have analyzed different types of innovations, but I decided to focus all my work on numerical devices, such as research focused on attention-gathering strategies implemented on Instagram by two major festive events in the city of Neuchâtel.
Horizon 2020
During my last year, I had the pleasure to realize a digital project with the company Coherent Stream to answer a call of the Horizon 2020 research framework program entitled “Addressing the challenge of Migrant Integration Through ICTs enabled solutions”. This very enriching work experience allowed me to improve and develop new skills in digital project management. Therefore, I decided to dedicate my master’s thesis to this work experience to apply the Actor-Network Theory to retrace the history of the project and formulate questions that can guide its future. In parallel to my master’s degree, I had the opportunity to assist a high-level research project at the Swiss Forum for Migration and Population. This research, commissioned by the Swiss Confederation, was aimed at understanding the population’s perception of change.
My Ph.D
Since October 2020, I am working on the project “The origins and spread of the World Wide Web. Rediscovering the early years of the Web inside and outside the CERN archive (1989-1995)” launched by Prof. Gabriele Balbi and funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF).